Reflections on 16.2

Dear Larry, In case I don't make it out of this. I'm about to tackle 16.2.

Dear Larry, In case I don’t make it out of this. I’m doing 16.2.

The Logistics: Could be a short as 4 minutes or potentially as long as 20 minutes depending on if you completed each round within the time domain. For most (myself included this was going to be short and difficult. In all 5 potential rounds the number of reps for toes to bar and double unders stay the same however the squat clean reps go down while going up in big jumps in weight (way worse for the guys than the girls). I didn’t make it past round 2 so my reflections end there.
Background as an Athlete: I’m not particularly good at blasting out of the gates quickly. I typically do better in longer timed workouts where I can keep a pretty good 75-80% motor. Since training in powerlifting over the past year this has shifted psychologically for me. I am still shitty at sprint work, however, because I’ve gained an increased amount of muscle mass I either have to train sprint work exclusively to keep my reaction times or fast twitch firing or I lumber through a CrossFit workout like a turtle through peanut butter. My confidence now lies more in the lifts and I mentally I have to push myself to hustle to get to the lifts where I can make up some time. I’ve worked hard to be less turtle and strike more of a balance between the hustle of CrossFit and the brute strength of the power lifting world.
Mindset: Nerves were higher than the last open workout because I watched a few disappointments before going. Watching my friend D go before me was most helpful. He consistently got through the double unders around 1:30 which seemed like a good goal to aim for considering the amount of time needed to reset for squat clean singles. The nerves were starting to wreck me over thinking how his toes to bar are much stronger and more consistent than mine. How can I get through the double unders in 1:30 with semi crap toes to bar?

The Workout:
Round 1 in its entirety must be completed within 4 minutes to move on. Tie breaker time taken after the double unders are completed
25 Toes to Bar
5 sets of 5 seems like too many breaks too soon. Went in thinking no more than 10 no less than 5 at a time. Felt great starting out went to 10, then sets of 5 to follow.
50 Double Unders 
Double unders were okay. Breathing is hard.
15 Squat Cleans 85# (starting weight for the women)
Reclaiming breath on each rep. If Dan Bailey did singles there’s no way I’m stringing these together. Focused on shrugging the bar off my shoulders onto the ground. I love any and all opportunities to drop weights from the top. Always have, always will. There is no feeling in my calves. I believe they have died.

Round 2 -4 minute cap. Must be completed by minute 8 to advance to round 3

25 Toes to Bar
Okay, 5s. This seems like a reasonable out of breath time to break these bitches into smaller sets. OH. MY. GAWD. 5 in a row felt like it had taken away 90% of my grip. Ditched the 5s plan. Need. To. Save. Grip. Resorting to 2 at a time with a jump down, one breath, then back on the bar. I finished with singles, jump down, one breath, back on the bar. I’d make a note to practice these more but instead I’ll write: Make friends with T2B. Don’t get frustrated. Stay consistent.
50 Double Unders
My calves are tingling. What the hell have I done? Note: Do not wear 7 mm powerlifting knee sleeves in a CrossFiit open workout. I had cut off circulation to my calves and did not need them for these lighter squat cleans. What was I thinking?!?!!
13 Squat Cleans 115#(women’s weight)
I made it back here? OMG I made it back here! Yipee! Now, grind it out Hannah. 115# feels like 145# when you have no grip, no breath and are now questioning what you think you’re trying to prove. 3 reps into this set of squat cleans and my body burned everywhere. It’s the time I like to call quit, cry, or grit? I know if I quit I’ll cry because that’s not who I am. If I grit it out I may still cry but at least I’m not a quitter (a better option). But if I cry, I may quit and then cry some more because I quit (so put the crying in check). Something about running through the choices helps me find some mental fortitude when the going get’s tough. Grit looks like an ugly pain face. Grit sounds like a bleating cow. Would I do this workout again? Nope. Am I forever bonded with the people who put their metal to the test on this one? Absolutely.

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